It took a while, the Last Waltz series finally got big enough to go outside at averaging 1600mm high, two selling on opening night with a third finished overnight fill an exhibition invitation! Developed to be dismantled in three pieces enabling shipping to become alot more viable. The base cone can also be constructed hollow so it can be filled with a weighted material like sand of pebbles or pinned to the ground depending on the location
Intimate Encounters Be enchanted by sparkling sculptures, dance with viruses and enjoy intimate conversation surrounded by expansive paintings. This White Night, at least 5 Auckland artists invite you to their sleepless night including Ronald Andreassend, Karen Chan, Isla Osborne, Anita Glucina, Kathy Ready, Raynor Dunn, Peter Viesnik and several more to come. You know its the summer holidays when Ponsonby is hot and empty- its a good time to play around. Digging out the half finished pieces, rummaging through boxes and flicking through old sketchbooks. Music at full volume drowning out the phone, its self indulgent bliss and a good way to start the year
Finally finished and delivered around 20 pieces including ceramic lights, resin icons, waltz & tool sculptures. 8-10 June Gala opening on Friday $40 entry Estuary Artworks aims to raise the profile of this critical waterway, encouraging community protection from all forms of pollution through exploration of visual arts. Sponsored by Howick Community Board The central concept around the artwork is how to engage public awareness of the polluted estuary especially after so many years where seemingly nothing has been achieved, in such a way that its long term viability is possible. Finding that solution isn`t a short term project but is a long term strategy which needs to balance the requirements of the community to that of the environment. Clearly that strategy is failing as no one is taking any notice and the waterway is still polluted.
A day that is never forgotten as the object is proudly displayed with the significance of each part explained to all, thereby creating a continuity of curiosity, knowledge respect and maybe the chance to protect all environments.
February 2018